Call For Paper

Call For Paper

Paper Guideline

  • Manuscript is original, has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere (both online and print).
  • The similarity index for plagiarsm check is pegged 20% excluding references.
  • The manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages.
  • Manuscript must be submitted using Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx format) via CoSy.
  • Author choose the publication target based on the scope/topic according to the publication output choices given by the committee.
  • Manuscript must be submitted no later than Aug 02, 2023 .

Paper Template Download

Publication Output

  • Proceeding:
    International Proceeding: NST Proceeding
  • Jurnal Internal YARSI:
    Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI, ruang lingkup biomedis, pengobatan, and kualitas kesehatan, Sinta 6
    Jurnal Adil, ruang lingkup: semua bidang hukum, Sinta 4
    Jurnal Psikogenesis, ruang lingkup: semua bidang psikologi, Sinta 3
    Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, ruang lingkup: bidang Manajemen dan Bisnis, Akuntansi, Pasar Modal, Hukum Bisnis, Sistem Informasi, dan bidang Ekonomi lainnya, Sinta 4
    Jurnal Bibliotech, ruang lingkup: ilmu perpustakaan, Sinta 4
    Majalah Kesehatan Pharmamedika, ruang lingkup: pengobatan, denstistry, pharmacy, biomedicine and sciences related to health aspects, Sinta 5
    Majalah Sainstekes, ruang lingkup: medicine, basic science, economics (management, accounting), law, psychology and technology, Sinta 4
    Jurnal Orientasi Bisnis dan Entrepreneurship, Sinta 5
    Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Info Abdi Cendekia (IAC)
  • Jurnal Nasional dan Internasional:
    Journal of Tropical Life Science (JTLS) (Scopus Q4)
    Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia (JPMI)
    Law and Justice Review Journal (LJR)
    Indonesian Journal of Engineering Research Journal (IJER)
    Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR)
    Basic and Applied Educational Research Journal (BAER)
    Basic and Applied Computational and Advanced Research Journal (BACAR)
    Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANR)
    Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology (JAAB)
    Basic and Applied Accounting Research Journal (BAAR)
    Indonesian Journal of Medical Sciences and Public Health (IJMP)
    Bioinformatics and Biomedical Research Journal (BBR)
    Journal of K6 Education and Management (JK6EM)
    International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research (IJMABER)
    Jurnal Ekonomi dan Statistik Indonesia (JESI)

Registration and Submit via CoSy (Conference System) Akademisi